Posts by Category: pregnancy

/// December 4th 2019 /// 1. How many months pregnant are you? I am currently 29 weeks pregnant 2. How did your family react to the news? They were thrilled and could not believe it! 3. Do you know the sex of the baby? Yes! We’re going to have a baby girl 😀 4. Do you want more children? I’ve only ever dreamed of having a girl. Who knows, maybe I’ll change my mind. 5. What’s been your biggest craving? Tomatoes and bread .. 6. What’s been the best part of being pregnant? Not having to deal with periods lmao, being able to indulge in food without feeling guilty, and constant naps. 7. What’s been the worst part of being pregnant? Not being able to move around as quickly, bending over and relying on others 8. Do you have any names picked out? After going back and forth we finally decided on […]

What a lot of people do not know is that you can actually receive a lot of free things by signing up baby registries. I will link a couple links below that will get you free items if you register with them. Amazon Baby Registry Babies R Us Indigo Thyme Maternity Buy Buy Baby Be sure to sign up for the following to get free gifts and discounts!

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