The Beginners Guide to Travel during your 1st Trimester

Know what you can or cannot do. Explore the options and benefits that are provided at your workplace. Learn how to pack, eat, dress accordingly.

When I found out I was pregnant, I was still travelling for work almost every week. There were so many worried thoughts going through my head each time I would have to pack and go whether I was doing the right thing by travelling so much. I was fatigue and nauseous and I didn’t want my clients knowing that I was pregnant. Overtime I was able to master the art of packing minimally, travel comfortably and stress-free to the point where my husband and I decided to have a Vegas wedding during the hottest time of the year!

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Is it Safe to Travel During the 1st Trimester?

  • As a full time Cybersecurity Consultant, my only option was to travel at that time. I also didn’t want to say no because I knew I could continue my daily tasks.
  • There are many people who advises against travelling during the first month of pregnancy. However if you are low-risk and you consult your doctor first, stop worrying!

How did I Manage to Travel Every Week?

  • I made sure I did my research, like a lot of research. It is important to bring up any concerns or ask any questions you have to your OB or midwife and get the ‘ok’ before agreeing to travel. It was helpful to share the news with my manager since that allowed us to be on the same page. I recommend doing so as soon as you are comfortable.
  1. I had three common 1st Trimester symptoms:
  2. 1) Fatigue
  3. 2) Nausea
  4. 3) The need to constantly pee!
  5. A disaster recipe for a business travelling pregnant woman. See remedies on Tips on What to Pack.
  • It was extremely exhausting having to travel every week especially because I was getting bigger each time. What I found helpful was to rest and sleep as much as I could. Whether that may be taking a quick nap on the ride to the airport, at the airport, and/or on the plane.

Tips on What to Pack

  1. Your medicine baggie. This should include your prenatal vitamins, Gravol Ginger Chewables, and bandaids (a must have for swollen feet).
  2. Get comfortable casual walking shoes.
  3. Get comfortable working shoes. *BONUS if you casual shoes are your working shoes
  4. Find a blazer that can be double up as a jacket or an extra layer for colder weathers
  5. Bring an oversized scarf that can double up as a blanket. This will come in handy to keep you warm during cold flights and the AC in office buildings.
  6. Use a carry-on rather than checking a luggage. (trust me this will save you so much more time)
  7. Bring snacks- lots of them you will be hungry at all random times.
  8. A reusable water bottle to keep you hydrated.
  9. Bedtime necessities that include your slippers, pjs, and skincare routine to make sure you get to wind down and REST! I’ll create a separate post on some night time routine must-haves.

The Last Thing You Need to Know about Business Travel while Pregnant

  1. Understand the options that are provided by your workplace.
  2. Ensure you run any of your concerns by your doctor / midwife.
  3. YOU WILL BE FINE! Enjoy yourself. 🙂

What can you absolutely not travel without? I would love to add them to my list!